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Data Privacy Consulting Services

Data Privacy Consultants

We have data privacy consulting services that allow your organization to comply with complex laws such as the GDPR, without investing in the cost of dedicated privacy professionals, tools, and oversight. You can choose to leave it to us.

compliance services

Leveraging Our Managed Services

Consumers with new “data subject rights,” as well as regulatory authorities, can issue a privacy-related request to your organization. This can trigger a cascade of compliance requirements, including a short window to respond, proper authentication, tracking, and documentation.

Our managed services offering focuses on having our professionals leverage technology to assume the processing of all privacy requests on behalf of your organization. We provide custom privacy centers, where our professionals can receive data subject requests, leverage tools to integrate and automate data retrieval from your internal systems (including common third-party SaaS apps), and act upon the request through to closure. We can also work with your vendors to ensure that they have procedures in place to respond to requests for which you are responsible.

Achieving Data Privacy Compliance

We can help you with multiple reporting options made available by the AICPA to allow you to demonstrate transparency to your customers, stakeholders, and/or prospects.